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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kim + John ~ Bernardo Winery

I leave tomorrow morning for Philidelphia and New Jersey, but I wanted to get this up before another adventure!

Kim and John were married on Wednesday, August 15 at Bernardo Winery. It was my first visit there, and I was so impressed by the location. Gorgeous spot!

Kim and John actually live in England, but decided to forgo the rainy UK weather for a sunnier San Diego (John's hometown). The day was so beautiful, but it sure was hot! Kim was such a trooper even though I know she was melting! :)

The couple has two adorable children, here is Holland:

Kim & John:

Kim has gorgeous eyes!

This is their 6 month old, Mia. She was such a good baby!
I just love this special moment between mom/child:

Slide show coming soon...


Unknown said...

Oh the little BRIT looks great. I hope you enjoy this new part of your life. We will always have the FR Training!

PINKIE and the BRIT (my two fav Kim's)

Another John! :)


rowena said...

ooooh! I love #3 and the last one is hot! Have a safe trip!

Unknown said...

Jacki, how on earth did you find my piccies? Thank you for the comment. What is your e-mail address, it has been a long time since I last spoke to you...I hope you're well.

Take care, Kim xox


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San Diego, CA, United States